Troubleshooting anD CUSTOM PRINTING

The first thing to admit is that lenticular is nothing if not a minefield of variables that must perfectly align for things to work out. Differences in printers, papers, lenticular plastics and the patience and skill of the user can make obtaining a perfect lenticular print a challenge. If you followed the #donaldstrangelove directions closely its likely that you got something decent from the supplied interlaced image but there is a chance it could be fine tuned by going a deeper into the process. What follows is also the way to create lenticular prints from scratch using different kinds of lenticular plastics in the event that you wanted to make something larger.

Please be advised that we DO NOT provide technical troubleshooting for DIY lenticular beyond what is listed below.

The first step in this direction is to see how your printer and the lenticular material work together by making something called a Pitch Test. Professionals do this routinely because changes in temperature, humidity and materials can cause small variations even when using the same equipment. The pitch test is necessary anytime you switch materials or want to change the optimal viewing distance for the print. Download the Windows based program Superflip and check out How to Make a Pitch Test.

Once you have this information you can create a new interlaced image and it should be calibrated to work well with your particular printer and the lenticular plastic you have chosen. To do this download the individual image files from our resource page and input the pitch number you selected from the previous step in Superflip. Check out the Cat & Mouse tutorial for a basic workflow on using Superflip to make an interlaced image. If you are considering larger work see the tutorial on Cold Lamination for a more reliable method of joining the print and the lenticular plastic.

At this point you will be back to where we started and you should try the whole process again. If you were having problems chances are it will be much improved. If you discover there are still issues you will need to do some detective work and make some careful observations. Are you interlacing at the proper resolution for your printer? Are you printing at the highest quality settings? Are you using lenticular plastic you bought from a vendor other than the one suggested? If you are dedicated you will find the solution to all of your questions and be making amazing lenticular prints of all sorts of things in no time!


Lenticular Plastics

Microlens Technology | DP Lenticular | Vue Thru

Interlacing Software

Superflip | 3D Masterkit | Lentigram